NO CANCER!! I just got a call from the Oncologist. She viewed the slides herself. Of course pathology did too. What was found in the marrow was viral cells. The doctor gave me the name of the cells, but I'm so excited I cannot for the life of me remember what they are called.
Carly has to keep her appt for 4 weeks from now. Basically because we already have it set up. The doctor said we may as well keep it. Then we can get back to our 6mo schedule. I did ask what we do about the viral stuff. I was told, nothing. Let it run it's course and eventually Carly's platelet count should return to normal.
I can not even describe the relief I feel right now. This was such a hard day for me. For all of us. Paul actually met up with mom and I at the cancer center today too. I was glad he did. It's rare that he is able to go to appt's with us. So it was nice that he was there for support. I did get pretty emotional just before they started the bone marrow aspirate. I just hated having to be in this position and have Carly go through this test. However, I'm very thankful that we went ahead with this. Now we can put it to rest.
Carly did do quite well today. She got up this morning about 7:30 and begged for food a couple of times. She was NPO (nothing to eat or drink) because she was getting sedated. We side tracked her and she soon forgot she was hungry. Poor little girl finally got food at about 1pm. She's doing really well now. Except for being very grumpy. I think that has to do with the Morphine and Versid drugs that were given to her. I'm sure her hip is sore too.
On with our weekend.
NO CANCER, YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks so much for checking on us and for holding Carly close today and during these last, very rough 6 weeks.
I love Snow...
1 day ago
Great news... enjoy all of your moments this weekend knowing this latest bump in the road is behind you!
Yeah, how nice to finally put it to rest and you can enjoy your weekend.
YAY!!! That's great news!!
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! So relieved and happy about this wonderful news!
Such wonderful news!
Wahooey! That's terrific news! I've been away from home and am catching up on blogs--I came here first to see how things were going for Carly!
You'll be glad to know that Hannah once licked the floor at Best Buy, right in the middle of the Christmas time. Oh yum.
So happy for you and your entire family.....I can imagine your sense of relief!!!! Enjoy Carly now without the additional worry at the back of your head always.......
Awesome news!
So happy for you, great news!
This is Joyce. I am so relieved to hear that Carly is cancer free. Hopefully you can enjoy some summer days now.
Whohoo that is awesome news. Poor little thing, I bet her hip is sore.
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